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Our Journey Volunteer Commitment Form 2022

Please read carefully:

  1. 1 Clearly communicate with your partner about when and where you are meeting;
  2. 2 Attend meetings on time;
  3. 3 Meet on a regular and consistent basis, but not less than once per fortnight, as much as possible;
  4. 4 Give notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your meeting;
  5. 5 Keep the discussions with your partner private and confidential;
  6. 6 Ensure that communication and interactions with your partner is respectful, trusting and clear;
  7. 7 Be empathetic and actively listen when engaging with your partner;
  8. 8 Be understanding of your partner’s limitations when discussing issues;
  9. 9 Provide feedback to your partner about how you feel the partnership is going - and ask for feedback in return;
  10. 10 Communicate with your partner and the program coordinators if any issues arise;
  11. 11 Be open to troubleshooting any issues that arise (from either partner) within the partnership with the Stand Up and CMY-CSG team;
  12. 12 Understand that any disclosure of abuse and sensitive information that may require professional intervention should be reported to the Stand Up or CMY-CSG team;
  13. 13 Contribute towards evaluating the program;
  14. 14 Participate in debriefing and training sessions, as well as social events.


I have read and understood the volunteer commitments and agree to adhere to them as a participant in Our Journey.