About this Code of Conduct
- Stand Up Australia is an organization powered by people. To facilitate effective accountability, we have developed this Code for use by all public-facing board members staff, contractors, and volunteers assisting Stand Up on an ongoing basis (Personnel)
- Personnel are required to represent Stand Up in a positive manner at all times. In particular this Code of Conduct addresses the major areas where Personnel interact with the children and young people who take part in our programs. We have developed this Code to help to safeguard those children and young people from abuse or neglect.
Personnel should read this Code of Conduct in conjunction with:
- Stand Up's Policy Handbook
- the specific requirements of your role as defined in your ‘position description’ statement
- all applicable laws
- general community expectations in relation to appropriate behaviour between adults and children.
- Failure to observe these guidelines is misconduct, and Stand Up will take appropriate disciplinary action. Such disciplinary action may, depending on the seriousness of the misconduct, include suspension while matters are investigated and/or dismissal. In addition to any internal disciplinary proceedings, we will report to the police all instances in which a breach of the law has or may have occurred.
- There may be exceptional situations where these guidelines do not apply, for example, in an emergency situation. However, it is crucial that, where possible, you seek management authorisation prior to taking action that contravenes these guidelines or that you advise management as soon as possible after any incident in which these guidelines are breached.