Courtney is Stand Up's CEO with a passion for social justice and the Jewish community. A former lawyer with experience in Senior Leadership roles in the community legal sector, Courtney is committed...
Fran is an integral part of the team as Stand Up's Administration Coordinator. Fran started volunteering for Stand Up because she wanted to give back to the community, making a difference where she...
Hannah is Stand Up's Co COO, was a commercial lawyer for a number of years, before making the move to a social enterprise to pursue an interest in food waste and innovation, when she...
Speedy loves coming to work each day as Stand Up's General Manager of Programs and Engagement. They have had extensive experience in the nonprofit sector and previously worked at the NSW Jewish Board of...
With a strong passion for social justice, Gali has been involved with social organisations since her youth, both in Israel and in Australia. This led her to undertake postgraduate studies in International...
Nick's pretty stoked to be Stand Up's new First Nations Partnerships Coordinator (commenced July 2023). Having spent his whole life learning, leading and loving at Habonim Dror Australia, it felt pretty natural for...