Nick Gerstel
Nick's pretty stoked to be Stand Up's new First Nations Partnerships Coordinator (commenced July 2023). Having spent his whole life learning, leading and loving at Habonim Dror Australia, it felt pretty natural for him to move into a role which revolves around community, outdoor programs, education and social change. Over the course of his last few years years, Nick has been completely captivated by the history, wisdom, spirituality, and stories of Australia's First Peoples. Non-indigenous Australia has so much we can learn from this country's First Peoples regarding land, governance and community. He thinks it is a missed opportunity that Australia's education system does not provide an immersive First Peoples learning experience for its students. That's why he considers it an honour to coordinate a program as important and life-changing as Derech Eretz. It is a program which expands the minds of passionate non-indigenous young adults who are eager to engage with Aboriginal Australia but might not know where to start. When he's not working, he's out surfing or dancing to live music.