If you are thinking of cancelling please remember Stand Up is a not-for-profit organisation; one that aspires to provide sustainable, impactful and quality informal education for Step Up participants.
To run these programs requires Stand Up to undertake considerable outlay in advance to pay for coordinators, facilitators, and staff to deliver programs, hire venues and conduct excursions.
In that light:
- Payment for Step Up is required to be paid in two weeks prior to program commencement or when a request for payment is sent through by Stand Up.
- Stand Up will provide a full refund if cancellation is made within one week of the program start.
- If cancellation is made within one week, Stand Up will offer a 50% refund.
- Once the program has begun, Stand Up will not offer a refund.
Stand up supports our community and understands circumstances change, so if you do need to cancel and require financial assistance,
please contact our Step Up coordinator, [email protected]