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Step Up NSW 2025 April Intensive

Date: 15th to 17th April 2025                           

Time:  9am - 2.30pm          

Location:  Eastern Suburbs TBA

Step Up Intensive Programs: 

The Step Up Intensives offer a dynamic, fun and powerful educational experience.

Step Up participants get the unique opportunity to meet with First
Nations speakers and survivors and refugees from Rwanda and Burundi.

Our program is dedicated to the concept of Tikkun Olam - Repairing the
World. How do we empower Jewish youth to make individual and
collective choices that will help repair the world?

Step Up believes education always plays an essential role and our
Intensive can play a positive role in your child's growing
understanding of their  responsibilities to their fellow human beings
and the world around them.

Oliver Kameya, survivor of the 1994 Genocide
Against the Tutsi andJean Paul Amedee Nizigam
a Burundian refugee share their stories of

Will you come?

$385.00 Full Price