Artwork Description
This artwork represents the Friendship between the Mob of Toomelah and Boggabilla and the Jewish Mob. At its heart, children and Elders are depicted standing along the outline of Boobera Lagoon, surrounded by local animals of the Echidna, Goanna and the footprints of the Emu who always walk forward in life, never looking back. Depicted throughout the artwork are Eurah Leaves, and Olive Leaves - which symbolise the strong bond between our Mobs and the Connection to Gomeroi Country. The footsteps across the bottom of the piece represents us walking together through the time spent on Country.
About the Artist - ELENORE BINGE
Elenore Binge, a proud Goomeroi/Kamilaroi woman, started painting at the age of 12 on her Auntie’s porch in Boggabilla. Great Aunty Colleen would sit with Elenore and share stories of the Dreamtime, as well as animals, nature, and symbols. In year eight at school, her first major work was printed on a t-shirt and sold as a fundraiser for Aboriginal Week. Elenore studied for two years at Canberra’s Institute of the Arts where she majored in printmaking and is now studying for a combined Bachelor of Teaching and Fine Arts at Newcastle University. Elenore designed the 1997 NAIDOC Poster 'The Protector', celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum.
I am descendant of Hannah (nee McGrady) & Walter Duncan, Hannah was very strong in Culture and passed down a lot of her knowledge to her Daughter Colleen, my Great Aunt. I continued this journey of being an artist throughout my life. I grew up on Toomelah Mission and it will always be my home.Yilanuwa is Gomeroi for Elenore. Aunty Colleen also taught me the Gomeroi language and I am privileged. I love my Culture and love painting about Home. I currently live and work in Inverell NSW. Not too far from home for quick visits every now and then.
Stand Up and the Jewish Mob are privileged to work with Aunty Elenore and we thank her for this beautiful artwork celebrating friendship and family.